Archives For November 30, 1999

I have to say that aside from the matrix trilogy, I am inspired by the Oceans movies. You know more than often in screenplay’s the bad guy/girl always get’s caught or dies. In Horror movies usually the big breasted blonds die, and the brunettes somehow manage to make it until the very end, but recently i have noticed that everyone seems to die witch i find ironic, and kind of cool to tell you the truth. I am that pro reaper guy, bet on shit to hit the fan, i mean after all who really enjoys a a thriller, no one. Personally the uglier the better, I want the screen play to be as ugliest as it can get, as far as horror. OK, I am getting to side tracked here before i continue though i would like to say i left out Quentin Tarantino that guy is a genius more than Steven Spielberg although I give credit to Spielberg for the Star War‘s, I hope the next one is not royally screwed by the folks over at Disney. If Disney manages to infest the Star Wars brand with it’s mediocre shit, I say $DIS stock deserves a good shake? I mean com on’ let’s hope not, but it’s only fair. Between the One, The Blond, and Memo I think it’s safe to move forward with Apple Doe’s A Rimm Job!

$RIMM better known for making the Blackberry took a huge hit during the Bank/Hand Job crises in 08′ from $133 a share to $39 a share in just a few month’s (Aug 08′ –  Nov 08′) besides the 1/100 short sellers/put buyers making a killing shorting the stock the rest of the bunch the 99 got they’re asses handed to them. Well we already know that all stocks fell during 08′ due to the bullshit loss artist who where let go over on Wall Street then they decided to write books against the people paying for they’re bread, and butter. If, you ask me they should not have been on the pedal stool in the first place ZERO CONTRIBUTION, you could be flipping burgers, and frying french fries contributing more to society. I mean at least your getting people sick! more profits for the overly manipulated healthcare industry tamed by Obama on the line to make trillions more with the Adolf Hitler….I mean Mitt Romney

During the 08′ Bank Job regular hardworking people lost homes, cars, sanity, life savings. Yet Apple takes a small hit from $175 too $80 bucks 4 years later the stock is worth $530 U.S dollars. I don’t follow what’s going on here, so you are telling me that although the middle class are moving into apartments at an alarming rate, so alarming that renters have been abused by the landlords manipulative pricing, normal people who have gone bankrupt, owe thousands of dollar’s of debt can afford healthcare, People can still afford the NEW i Phone 5, I mean haven’t you people heard of saving money for a rainy day? or is your material obsession for the latest and greatest leave you eating shitty ass food like $MCD $1.00 Mc Doubles, and Mc Gangbangs  (Mc Gangbang = A Mc double + Mc Chicken = Mc Gangbang) any woman reading this take no offense to what i am about to say! (It’s alright you can give me crap about my grammar, i write like a 2 year old) buying $100 purses $40 lipstick, closet of worthless shit you don’t wear till 8 months later? I mean give me a break as if all the expensive clothes, and make-up is gonna make you any prettier. LOL Do you know how many shares of $FB stock you could be racking up? Maybe I am just a weirdo, and I don’t get it.

Other than most liquor stores making $20,000 a month, Roman condoms, and highly inflated/manipulated tuition costs at universities, Government is handing free money to the universities, and the liberal arts majors are burning the cash on the tax payers bill (It’s not wrong to borrow money to go to school, but for god sakes liberal arts, and whatever else bullshit titles these people make) University of Phoenix, ITT do they even offer transferable credits? I think not. If anything the entertainment business will always be booming schools like Full Sail OK somewhat worth it at least $9.00 an hour will be somewhat fun…with the potential to work hard for millions and someday be the next Tarantino/Spielberg

You know i have a friend in India as to our conversation check it out!


Back To Apple Does A Rimm Job!

Apple is sitting on 100 billion dollars the current market capitalization is 479 billion dollars, I understand the intellectual assets are worth something at least until the next big thing comes abroad. I don’t know if you (the reader) remember Myspace, Microsoft, and how can i forget The RIMM BlackBerry everything becomes a bubble at some point. To say that you can project the same growth as from the 2008 bank job to now is simply absurd $AAPL. I have personally asked my friends and relatives that live in major city’s they tell me the Apple Stores are not as packed of human flesh on weekends as they used to be! aside from the window shoppers, the kids, who’s really buying $AAPL I mean com on what’s gonna happen now  Apple Bailout>? I think as soon as people realize that Apple is overpriced people will stop buying, i mean unless people start using credit cards to buy the i Phone 2000 it even wipes your Golden ASS.

Just as the



On the verge of causing major Havoc?


For fun let’s just look at some charts, can this continue?


who knows Apple might just trade at $1000 one day…..Far beyond the Galaxy one thing is certain they ate Rimms Lunch..

Happy New Years

– Apple Does a RIMM Job


In the year 2008 the total value of equities traded in the world peaked at one hundred trillion dollars/$100,000,000,000,000 as compiled and reported by The World Bank.  I can’t help myself to wonder if this is the amount of money that is bought, and sold on a year to year basis. Clearly one hundred trillion dollars worth of stock can’t be traded year after year, by looking at the data provided by The World Bank you can’t help but question just how free America really is, most people would say 100 Trillion dollars is a substantial amount of money. Think about this in July of 2008 the total amount of public debt was somewhere around 5.40 Trillion dollars, just 5.40% of the 100 trillion dollars worth of stock traded in 2008, by looking at the data one can come to a conclusion that this was not a magical occurrence similar to the Big Bang fiasco. Scientists say that all matter, light and energy came from the Big Bang explosion. In many way’s i can see why many religious body’s/people would argue with many of the scientific theory’s scientist spew out time after time. In 2008 the U.S Government owed about 4.18 trillion dollars combined with the public debt of 5.40 trillion dollars this would justify the total U.S debt of 9.58 trillion dollars in July of 2008. In 2003 the total value of stocks traded was 29 trillion, in 2004 39 Trillion, 2005 47 trillion, 2006 67 trillion, in 2007 98 trillion, and finally in 2008 100 trillion but wait a second from 2008 to 2011 that number diminished to 66 trillion as you can see in this chart! 2008100trillionYou can verify the data on your own by visiting the The Worlds Bank Website Here

60 Trillion out of the 100 trillion in July of 2008 the United States of America was responsible for. That’s a whopping 60% share compared to the rest of the world of stocks traded.


If 50% of U.S debt was owed by the public in July of 2008 a person with the mental capacity to add 1 and 2 would give an answer of 3 if you to told that same person that they could borrow $100 as long as they paid 50% in 1 year that person would then ask? when do i pay the rest? as you can see obviously in July of 2008 the Government Owed the rest of the total debt at that specific time. let’s look at a picture, shall we.

20089trillionYou can verify this Data through Google Public Data!ctype=l&strail=false&bcs=d&nselm=h&met_y=cm_mkt_trad_cd&scale_y=lin&ind_y=false&rdim=region&idim=country:USA&ifdim=region&hl=en_US&dl=en&ind=false

Now let’s look at another very interesting chart that shows that shows of money is most time and energy is distributed in/out the most in real estate, insurance, rental, and leasing especially financial services. The chart is a bit out of date, not a big deal this chart sends the message i want to send


Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) is the program used by the U.S Treasury to bail out the following company’s with money it borrowed from the FEDERAL RESERVE at the cost of the U.S TAX PAYER

Banks & Financial Institutions 245 Billion

Auto Company’s 79 Billion

AIG 67 Billion

Toxic Asset Purchases 18 Billion

Mortgage MOD Program 4 Billion

State Housing Programs 1.5 Billion

Small Business Aid 368 Billion

FHA refinance program 50 million

The New York Times published this article detailing exactly who took the money, in many cases many did not need the money.

You can check it out here

However it is a coincidence that the U.S Government will be off 1.3 Trillion dollars in 2013, with it all starting in 2009 at 1.4 trillion dollars, 2010 1.3 trillion dollars, 2011 1.3 trillion dollars. America’s paid to bail out the Private Sector, and Wall Street. Interests from all over the world buy/sell out assets at TARP is the definition of wrong. It’s as simple as Toxic Moral Hazard. American’s should not be bailing out company’s who exchange value with other economies!

Now, let’s talk about the WAR ON TERROR witch by the way has thrown our budge out of balance

The War on Terror drove military spending to a new record of $671 billion in FY 2007. Despite declines in revenue, defense spending increased throughout the recession to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan:

  • FY 2009 – $782 billion.
  • FY 2010 – $663 billion.
  • FY 2011 – $895 billion.
  • FY 2012 – $881 billion.

I feel confident in saying that the reason why the United States cannot pay its bills is because it spend too much money on a war it did not need to fight, and bailed out Wall Street witch by the way made more money than 100 trillion dollars. Wall Street trades financial instruments that are not publicly tracked, before the market collapsed Wall Street banks had created about 700 trillion dollars of derivatives (ABSs, CDOs, CMBSs, MBSs, OCOs, LCDSs) three letters it’s magically delicious. Wall Street made Trillions of dollars coming out of this mess they created now they want to crucify the middle class, and the poor. What’s that saying the rich use the middle class, the middle class frowns upon the poor. That’s exactly what’s going on its UN-American to the full extent, i feel bad for anyone driving with Obama/Romney stickers as you are completely ignorant as to what is really going on.